A common use case presented by our clients is the need to create passes in batches. Typically, doing this at scale would require some integration effort.

We now offer the ability to create passes in Batches via CSV upload.

All you need to do is do a data export from your CRM system, format it in the appropriate CSV format, and upload it to PassEntry.

Step by Step

Head over to the passes section, you will a find a “Create Passes | via CSV” button

Then, create a new batch. Optionally enter a batch name, and select the pass template you want the passes to be created under.

Sample CSV

Once you’ve selected your Pass Template, you will be able to download a sample CSV, specific to your chosen Pass Template.

You can download an example CSV here: HERE


Fixed headers

Column NameDescriptionRequired?ExampleType
ext_idExternal ID for the passYesPass12345Text (Any)
group_tagTag to group passesNosummer_offer_24Text (Any)
nfc_enabledBoolean to enable NFCNotrueBoolean (true or false)
nfc_sourceSource of NFC dataNoextIdText (extId or uuid or custom)
nfc_custom_valueCustom value for NFC, nfc_source must be set to customNosummer_20_offText (any)
barcode_qr_valueValue for the barcode or QR codeNoabcd12345Text (Any)
barcode_qr_display_textBoolean to display qr value as text under barcodeNotrueBoolean (true or false)
expires_atExpiration date and time for the passNo2024-08-14T18:12:11ZDatetime in iso8601 format

Dynamic headers

As each template might have custom fields, this can be identified and set via custom, dynamic headers. When creating a template, you set an ID for each field.

This can then be targetted in your CSV by including the prefix passfield_ followed by your template ID.

Example: In your pass template, you’ve chosen to display Field 1 as “Customer Name”, and given it the ID of “name”.

Then, for each row in your CSV, you’ve entered a different name, to correspond with the data downloaded from your system.

In which case, your CSV would need to have a row called passfield_name


Once you’ve uploaded your CSV, you’ll be able to track the progress of your batch on the Passes page.

The batch will be listed in the “Batches” section, and you can click on it to see the progress of the batch.

If there are any errors, you’ll be able to download a CSV of the errors that occurred, and once you’ve fixed them, you can re-upload the CSV to try again.

Once the batch is complete, you’ll be able to download a CSV of the passes created in the following format:
