Create pass
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Query Parameters
Identifies the pass template to use
External ID used to identify the pass. Optional
If true, includes the pass design in the response
If true, includes the locations in the response if any are present
If true, includes the beacons in the response if any are present
Used when delivering the pass directly to the passholder, without using PassEntry's download page. Choose one of Apple/Google, includes the pass source in the response. The passSource object is only included if the pass is not currently 'active'
, google
Array of beacons, currently only available on Apple devices, due to Android device restrictions. Maximum of 10 beacons
Name of the beacon, used for display purposes only
Unique identifier of the beacon
Major Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Message to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
Minor Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Tag used for grouping passes
Array of locations, currently only available on Apple devices, due to Android device restrictions. Maximum of 10 locations
Latitude of the location
Longitude of the location
Name of the location, used for display purposes only
Message to display when user enters geofence
Effective geofence radius of the location in meters. Maximum is 1000 for eventTicket passes, 100 for other pass types
10 < x < 1000
Push Notification message to display. If present, response will include X-Notification-Status header
Array of iBeacons, currently only available on Apple devices, due to Android device restrictions. Maximum of 10 iBeacons per pass. To update an existing iBeacon, include the proximityUUID, major and minor values in the data array while sending a PATCH request. Only relevantText can be updated. For more actions, use the beaconActions object.
Actions to perform on beacons, only one at a time. Must be called using method PATCH
Array of iBeacons to delete
Major Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Minor Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Unique identifier of a beacon
Text to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
Delete all beacons. Data array must be empty.
Include ibeacons in the data array. When this action is invoked, all existing beacons are deleted, and replaced with the new beacons.
Major Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Minor Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Unique identifier of a beacon
Text to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
In ISO8601 format, UTC. If present, pass will be deactivated at this time. Pass status will be set to deactivated. Google wallet passes may take up to 24 hours to deactivate.
Array of locations, currently only available on Apple devices, due to Android device restrictions. Maximum of 10 locations per pass. To update an existing location, include latitude and longitued values in the data array while sending a PATCH request. Only relevantText and maxDistance values can be updated. For more actions, use the beaconActions object.
Actions to perform on locations, only one at a time. Must be called using method PATCH
Array of locations to delete
Latitude of the location in degrees
Latitude of the location in degrees
Specifies the maximum radius distance in meters. If passType is eventTicket, max is 1000. Otherwise, max is 100.
x > 10
Text to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
Delete all locations. Data array must be empty.
Include locations in the data array. When this action is invoked, all existing locations are deleted, and replaced with the new locations.
Latitude of the location in degrees
Latitude of the location in degrees
Specifies the maximum radius distance in meters. If passType is eventTicket, max is 1000. Otherwise, max is 100.
x > 10
Text to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
Whether the pass is NFC enabled. Setting this to true will set the pass UUID as the NFC message
Overrides the pass template design, if templateOverride are set, any changes to the pass template will not be applied to this pass. Pass design will need to be updated via templateOverride.
Must be a valid hex color code, if pass type is loyalty and device is google does not update color. Must be set at template level.
URL of the banner image. Must be direct image URL, valid media types are PNG, JPEG, JPG
Must be a valid hex color code. Only valid for iphone passes
URL of the logo image. Must be direct image URL, valid media types are PNG, JPEG, JPG. DOES NOT UPDATE GOOGLE LOGO, GOOGLE LOGO MUST BE SET AT TEMPLATE LEVEL.
Must be a valid hex color code. Only valid for iphone passes
URL of the thumbnail image. Must be direct image URL, valid media types are PNG, JPEG, JPG. PASS TYPE MUST BE GENERIC. DOES NOT APPEAR ON GOOGLE PASSES
The templateKey identifies an individual pass field in the pass template, using the template field ID. The value is the assigned value for a specific field and is displayed on the pass. For example, {'fullName': 'Jane Smith'} corresponds to the 'fullName' template field ID.
Only available when updating the pass.
, reactivate
When pass has been added to wallet by the user. In ISO8601 format, UTC
Beacons, present if 'includeBeacons' query param is set to true
Major Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Message to display on lock screen when the user is in range of the beacon
Minor Value, provides additional identification for a beacon
Name of the beacon, used for display purposes only
Unique identifier of the beacon
In ISO8601 format, UTC
When pass has been deactivated. In ISO8601 format, UTC
, iphone
Unique download URL of the pass
Pass will expire at this time. In ISO8601 format, UTC
Pass External ID
Tag used for grouping passes
If present, the last push message sent to the pass
Locations, present if 'includeLocations' query param is set to true
Latitude of the location
Longitude of the location
Name of the location, used for display purposes only
Geocoded address of the location. Used for display purposes only. This is calculated automatically from the latitude and longitude values
Message to display when user enters geofence
Effective geofence radius of the location in meters. Maximum is 1000 for eventTicket passes, 100 for other pass types
10 < x < 1000
If present, the NFC message to be conveyed when the pass is tapped
The templateKey identifies an individual pass field in the pass template, using the template field ID. The value is the assigned value for a specific field and is displayed on the pass. For example, {'fullName': 'Jane Smith'} corresponds to the 'fullName' template field ID.
Pass design values, present if pass template has been overridden for this pass, or if 'includePassDesign' query param is set to true
Pass background color in hex format
URL of pass banner image
Pass label color in hex format. Only valid for iphone passes
URL of pass logo image
Pass text color in hex format. Only valid for iphone passes
Pass source, present if 'includePassDesign' query param is present, one of Apple/Google and current pass status is not 'active'.
Apple Wallet Pass Base64 string, to generate the pass, decode the string and save as a .pkpass file. Will prompt the user to download the pass to their Apple Wallet when opened on an iPhone.
Google Wallet Pass download URL. Will prompt the user to download the pass to their Google Wallet when opened on an Android device.
Name of corresponding pass template
UUID of corresponding pass template
Pass Type
, eventTicket
, storeCard
When pass has been removed from wallet by the user. In ISO8601 format, UTC
Pass Status
, active
, removed
, deactivated
Auto-generated UUID of the pass
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